Thursday, February 21, 2008

Working Out: Motivation?

I'd love to be able to workout because I know it's good for me. Before the wedding I was SUPER motivated. I rocked it out at the gym. I was so super in shape.

Then there was the wedding. There was lots of drinking and ridiculousness.

Then there was the honeymoon. And the fried food and relaxing and hanging out.


So, new motivation. Another photo shoot with Crissy Farah! It's going to be a fantastic time in a desert. I get to wear my dress. Chris gets to meet Crissy. I get to wear my dress. And let's be serious, it's all about the dress.

... I think I'll start next week.


Da Fashionista said...

i have been get-in-shape girl since december. that is a new record for me.

the daily photos have been a big motivation for me cuz there's no hiding the fact that i've gotten pleasantly plump :)

when work is so terrible, I am also finding a huge sense of accomplishment at the gym that I am not getting professionally.

it really is just a habit. try to make it fun. make music mixes. bring magazines for motivation. buy cute outfits to feel good when you are there. whatever it takes...

Kate said...

Group exercise has been a major revolution for me. There are several key elements.

* It's social. Mine is just for women and I really like getting to know all these ladies.

* You can be competitive or comparative. When you have other people doing the same tasks, it's easier to push yourself harder or to gauge how you're doing.

* Accountability. When other people are expecting you to show helps.