Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's a Good Thing I Dieted...

... because from here on out there's going to be a lot of food!

Tonight is our last night together. His parents fly in tomorrow and we'll have to hit the ground running. So, we're celebrating our last night as single people together. (Chris has dubbed everything we do for the last time before our wedding our Last Single X. Yesterday we folded laundry for our last time as single people. Ha). He's wanted to try Charcoal since it opened. I'm not really excited about this. I've read AWFUL reviews, so I really hope that he's right in his excitement and that it's not a crap hole. We're also exchanging wedding presents tonight!

Tomorrow night is Yamashiro with his parents. Yummy yummy sushi :-)

Tuesday I think we're going to eat at home. His mom usually takes over and creates the most amazinglyt wonderful and tasty meals that ever happened. My mouth is watering just thinking about what I might get to eat on Tuesday.

Wednesday, dinner with my mom, aunt and sister. I think we'll try a local place, Eclectic. They have the most amazing bread that I've ever tasted in my entire life. We like to order a salad, a wine flight and eat three baskets of bread. YUM!

Thursday, my bachelorette party starts at Dolce. Knowing me very well, my 'maids picked this place based on the fact that they have pumpkin raviolli as a standard on the menu. I miss carbs and am excited to stuff my face with them. Not too many though. Note to Self: Please remember that you have a slew of dresses, one that is very important, that you must fit into over the next few days. Thank You!

Friday, the Rehearsal Dinner at Lucky Strike. I'm going to eat every single Birds Nest that we ordered. Puff pastry shell filled with brie and mushroom. yummy.

Saturday, the wedding at the Roosevelt. If the food is half as good as it was at our tasting this will be the final nail in my coffin as they ship me off to the graveyard in an overdose of tasty food. I'm definitely going to have to squeeze in some serious calorie burning workouts.

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