Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Allllll Gone

We ate our last bit of frozen heaven last night.

It's been eyeing me from it's adorable pink box for two months. And occasionally we'll cut of a slice, let it defrost for a few minutes, and then dig into it's slightly frozen chocolatey banana buttercream goodness.

Now, I can't imagine who these people are that let it sit around for a YEAR before digging in. We couldn't keep our paws off it! And, where do these year long folks keep it!? Stupid side-by-side beautiful freezer. Nothing fits.

No more wedding cake for these newlyweds.


Da Fashionista said...

frozen heaven=cutest ever.

AliGoesBlogWild said...

The Newlyweds made all gone!! Oh well, now you'll just HAVE to pick up a piece of anniversary cake this coming January. BUMMER! ;)