Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Strawberry White Chocolate Cookies

Last week at Costco, Chris bought me a strawberry orchard. An entire shelf in our fridge is full of strawberries! So, I had to put them to use!

There was a BBQ this weekend in need of cookies and I felt the need to fulfill! I'd never baked strawberry cookies. Hell, I'd never heard of strawberry cookies! But, a quick little google search pulls up a nice little recipe for me!

It was quick and easy and put a dent in my strawberry problem!

And they were yummiliciously good!

I've been to busy to bake recently, and this makes me sad. It felt so good to be back in the kitchen!


Da Fashionista said...

are you kidding me with posts????

sooooo yum. I WANT!

good job, jordypants!

With Love ~ csunsweetie said...

Wow. Those look like something straight out of the Strawberry Shortcake cartoons!